
Warning Message for Failure to Load Necessary Resources

A warning message is displayed if the browser is unable to load necessary resources. It creates a div element with the class "warning-message-failure" and adds CSS styles to it. The message includes instructions to contact the IT network administrator for access to specific URLs. An XMLHttpRequest is sent to log the error.

Warning Message for Failure to Load Application Data

If the application data fails to load and the app is not yet loaded, a similar warning message is displayed. It creates a div element with the class "warning-message-failure" and adds CSS styles to it. The message informs the user that the issue has been notified and advises them to try again later without using ad-blockers.


AudioPen is a tool that converts voice notes into text. It allows users to easily draft articles, emails, messages, and more by simply speaking. Users can sign up or log in to use the tool.

Scrollbar Styling

Custom styling is applied to the scrollbars on the page. The CSS rules define the appearance of the scrollbars and their various states.

Specific elements in popups are given focus and styled using CSS. The "notepopupmainfocus", "settingspopup", and "noteprocesstextfocus" elements are set to occupy the full viewport height and width.

Record Bar and Clickable Background

The record bar and its associated elements have their pointer-events property set to control their interactivity. The "recordbar" element has pointer-events set to none, while the "fileupload", "textupload", "record", and "record2" elements have pointer-events set to auto.

The website or tool is featured on the "Laura is building" platform.