ChatGPT Summary Assistant

ChatGPT Summary Assistant: Summarize with Ease

ChatGPT Summary Assistant is a powerful Chrome extension that uses advanced AI capabilities to quickly summarize articles, web pages, and documents. It enhances your browsing experience by providing condensed summaries of content, making it ideal for time-saving research or extracting key takeaways.

Features of ChatGPT Summary Assistant

  • Summarization Power: The extension uses an AI-powered model to create condensed summaries, highlighting the most crucial points.
  • Chrome Access: Seamlessly integrates with Chrome, making it easy to use and access.
  • Embedded Functionality: Works within your browser, allowing you to quickly hover, click, and summarize content.

User Reviews

ChatGPT Summary Assistant has an average rating of 4.8 out of 5, indicating high user satisfaction. Out of 18 users, the consensus is that it provides a highly favorable experience.

Pros and Cons


  • Saves time and effort
  • Seamless Chrome integration
  • Well-loved by users


  • Dependent on a stable internet connection
  • Summarization may not capture every nuance in content