A CSS class that sets the position, background, and opacity of an overlay element.
A CSS class that sets the opacity of an element to 1, making it visible.
A CSS class that sets the position, size, background color, box shadow, margin, opacity, and transition of a popup element.
@media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm)
A media query that targets Safari 10.1+ and sets the position of the popup element to relative.
A CSS pseudo-element that sets the position, size, opacity, and background image of a popup element.
A CSS class that adds a border radius of 12px to a popup element.
A CSS class that sets the width and padding of a popup element to create a small size.
A CSS class that sets the width and padding of a popup element to create a large size.
A CSS class that removes padding from a popup element to create a flexible layout.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-text
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a text element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-reaction
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a reaction element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-form
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a form element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-coupon
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a coupon element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-button
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a button element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-survey
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a survey element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-video
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a video element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-countdown
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of a countdown element inside a popup element.
.ap3w-popup-6318883fcb5d8dbfa28ad962 .ap3w-image
A CSS class that sets the margin-bottom of an image element inside a popup element.