SEOBox is a tool designed to simplify public relations and link-building efforts by automating the process of finding brand mentions and link-building opportunities.

Simplify Your PR Approach and Boost Your Brand

SEOBox acts as a personal PR assistant, searching the web for brand mentions and link-building opportunities from various platforms. Securing these mentions helps elevate your brand's visibility and authority.

SEOBox is an automated AI-based tool that filters through opportunities and notifies you about those that align with your expertise.

How does SEOBox Work its Magic?

1. Add Keywords: Input targeted keywords that describe your area of expertise.

2. Receive Alerts: Personalized opportunities land directly in your email inbox.

3. Submit Your Quote: Respond promptly to matched opportunities you’re interested in.

Platforms Where SEOBox Makes an Impact

SEOBox keeps an eye on platforms like HARO, Help A B2B Writer, PASE, Qwoted, and Twitter to ensure you don’t miss out on valuable opportunities.

Benefits of Using SEOBox

- Save Time: SEOBox filters through opportunities so you can focus on crafting responses.

- Unified Dashboard: A single feed presents all your PR and link-building opportunities.

- Connect Quickly: Being one of the first responders can boost your chances of being featured.

- Never Miss an Opportunity: Relevant alerts ensure you're always informed.

- Set and Forget: Configure your settings and let the tool do the rest.

- View and Manage Easily: Manage prospects in a unified feed and collaborate with your team.

Who Can Benefit from SEOBox?

- PR Agencies: Enhance client exposure by securing valuable media appearances.

- Startup Founders: Improve visibility by tapping into PR and link-building possibilities.

Try SEOBox with a free 5-day trial and witness the difference in your online presence and reputation as an expert in your field.