
Remove Image Background with AI

Stop wasting time and energy removing backgrounds manually from your images and delegate the work to our artificial intelligence that does it in seconds.

How it works

Snapclear is a desktop offline application powered by AI that crops images for you locally and efficiently without compromising the privacy of your data.


  • Powered by AI
  • Accurate slices
  • Works 100% Offline
  • Supports multiple image formats
  • Smart cropping


Crop images of people, faces, and human figures in various poses and environments


Automatically crop product images and display them attractively on your online store or catalog


Achieve excellent results with photos of your pets or wildlife images


Detect and crop graphics, logos, or illustrations with high precision, optimizing their presentation in your projects


Start removing your image's background effortlessly on your computer!

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© 2023 Snapclear. Made by Manuel Ernesto