Discover the Innovative Tool Transforming Architectural Drafting: SWAPP®

In the dynamic world of architecture, staying ahead of the game is crucial. With rising demands and a need for efficiency, one tool has stepped up to revolutionize the way architectural firms approach their projects: SWAPP®.

Transforming Construction Documents with Intelligence

SWAPP® is an advanced tool that employs intelligent algorithms to produce precise and exhaustive construction documents and Building Information Modeling (BIM) models at unprecedented speeds. This technology isn't just about speed; it brings a level of detail and completeness to project documentation that is hard to match through traditional methods.

How SWAPP® Elevates Architectural Practice

Boost Firm's Profitability

SWAPP® automates the process of creating drawing sheets, leading to a decrease in project duration and manual labor demand, resulting in higher profit margins.

Increase Growth Potential

SWAPP® tackles labor-intensive planning tasks, allowing firms to decrease overtime, improve retention, and manage more projects efficiently, enabling growth.

Consistent High-Quality Delivery

SWAPP® refines technology edge and cements advanced BIM practices, ensuring a superior standard in BIM and drafting methods, minimizing errors, and cutting down on training time.

Focus on Creativity Over Drafting

With SWAPP®, architects can focus on imaginative design rather than repetitive drafting tasks, fostering architectural innovation.

Seamless Design Revisions

SWAPP® simplifies the revision process, allowing for easy modifications and automatic updates to associated elements within the design.

Catering to Specific Industry Verticals

SWAPP’s Automated Construction Documents service is tailored for multifamily and educational projects, ensuring the unique requirements of these sectors are met.

Endorsement by Industry Leaders

Architects and companies that have used SWAPP® speak highly of its confidence and timely delivery assurance.

In The Spotlight

SWAPP is gaining recognition through funding rounds, industry discussions, and accolades from prestigious bodies like BuiltWorlds. It aims to lead a wave of transformation within the industry and foster community through events like The Architecture Disruption Society Meetups.


SWAPP® stands out as a tool that propels architectural firms forward by providing technological sophistication, quality assurance, and efficiency, allowing architects to devote more time to design and less to document management.