
Introducing TypistAI: Your Digital Assistant for Everyday Online Tasks

In the era of digital technology, multitasking has become the norm, and with that, the quest for tools that can streamline our online activities has grown. Enter TypistAI, the digital assistant designed to ease your daily digital chores. Optimized to work right within your favorite web applications, TypistAI brings the convenience of automation to your fingertips.

Capabilities of TypistAI

Customer Support

Engage with customers effortlessly by providing rapid responses to chats.

Email Communication

Generate professional emails in a snap, saving you time for more critical tasks.

Google Sheets

Execute complex queries or create functional formulas in Sheets without breaking a sweat.

Content Creation

Craft compelling content for various platforms, tailored to your audience.

Social Media Management

Conjure engaging LinkedIn posts that resonate with your network, all within seconds.

Expand Your Digital Horizons

TypistAI can translate text directly on platforms like Twitter and generate MySQL queries in PlanetScale.

How TypistAI Works

Swipe through the examples provided on their site to see how TypistAI operates natively within your preferred apps.

Ownership Made Simple

TypistAI offers a lifetime license for just $49. With this one-time purchase, you truly unlock your digital potential.

About the Creator

The brains behind TypistAI is Nithur, a developer attuned to the needs of the modern internet user.

The Pros and Cons


  • Increases efficiency by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Simplifies complex data handling, such as formula creation in Sheets.
  • Enhances communication in multiple languages.
  • Streamlines content creation and management.
  • Lifetime access with a one-time purchase.


  • There's a learning curve as you integrate it with various platforms.
  • Relies on your ability to craft effective prompts for optimal results.
  • May not support every niche application out of the box – some customization may be required.


TypistAI represents a stride towards smarter work habits, conserving your energy for where it matters most. Ready to revamp your online productivity? TypistAI might just be the right tool for the job.